rebel wizard:
.heavy negative wizard web for nekrasov and rebel wizard.

Voluptuous Worship of Rapture and Response commences/ Unicorn Semen limited LP pre-orders now/ New Track

And the trumpets from the from the anus of heavy negative wizard metal limbless angels has begun!

We have rolled out the urine soaked carpet for and begun to crawl, using eyelids, towards the date of 08/17 /2018– Release date for ‘Voluptuous Worship of Rapture and Response’

Pre-orders are here:

New song up at YT and should also be available streaming from the tentacles of Spotify etc….


Cover is now revealed and a the first edition LP has been pressed in Unicorn Semen, the last remaining drops from long ago. Once gone there will be no more and you will be keeper of the sacred elixir forevermore.