rebel wizard:
.heavy negative wizard web for nekrasov and rebel wizard.

Live shows Nekrasov and Rebel Wizard

both projects will be live ready by November. if you have a tooth extraction or just want a sound track whilst being fed cherries or just tying up your shoe lace please feel free to get in touch with a request for a personal show to such events.

it looks as though Nekrasov will have something in December. rebel wizard is in discussion regarding USA next year. set up is portable and ready for global musical urination. no manager/ booking agent – just contact directly.

Nekrasov live is not a black metal ‘show’ but a noise set guaranteed to ruin your sense of anything.

Rebel Wizard live is a travelling miserable shaman vagabond MEGA  HEAVY NEGATIVE WIZARD METAL BUKKAKE  PARTY FOR FUCKS YEAHZ!